Barbarian leveling guide diablo 2 merc
Barbarian leveling guide diablo 2 merc

Return to town and have Akara identify the scroll before you're returning to the Stony Field. Get the Waypoint in Stony Fields, go through the Underground Passage and find the Scroll of Inifuss.Against tanky monsters and Elite Groups, use Bash for increased damage output. Until Level 6, use regular Attack s to destroy your enemies. Don't waste your time with individual monsters. From this point onwards, Elite Groups are your primary focus when it comes to killing monsters.

barbarian leveling guide diablo 2 merc

Return to town, sell the items to Akara and purchase a Scepter, some Stamina Potions, and if possible, both the Tome of Town Portal, and the Tome of Identify.Clear out the Den of Evil and pick up items to sell, like Rings, Amulets, Charms, etc.

Barbarian leveling guide diablo 2 merc